How I'm Helping People One on One

Cransiosacral and Tuina Bodywork Testimonials From Amritapuri Ashram in Kerala

How I'm Helping People One on One

I had the great honour of giving treatments to a range of patients from all over the world during my stay at Amritapuri ashram. Today I'd like to share what some of my patients from Amritapuri had to say about their experiences.

It's been 5 years since I found a nascent interest in somatic therapy for healing myself. In the interim, I've practiced extensively in a few methods for developing my own awareness, and finally last year I opened my private practice after completing a 1000 hour certification in Tuina and Craniosacral therapy at the Montreal Gongfu Research Center, which is also where I've been training in Xingyi and Taiji for the past year and a half.

Going to stay at the ashram, I knew there was a chance I'd get to practice my work, but I couldn't have dreamed of the results and rewards. I'm back in Montreal now, ready to get back to work and share the fruits of my practice. If you're interested in working with me, you can learn more here.

I could say more about how much this work means to me, but I prefer to let the happy results speak for themselves. You can book an initial session here, or reach out by email--I'll be happy to find a time that works for both of us.

Rob has had neurological symptoms akin to Parkinson's for the past 3 years, severely impacting his quality of life. We worked together 5 times, once a week.

You can hear his testimonial in the video below, or read the transcript:

"I wanted to do a quick testimonial of my body of work I've been receiving with Laure. I'm traveling in India, and needed some craniosacral work to help me with my neurological challenges. Working with Laure in several series has been very beneficial. One, it has given my body a time to relax and trust the practitioner to go to new and deeper levels. Laure has special unique abilities and his training and Qigong also helps in receiving the craniosacral sessions. I feel like we've been working on many different levels and levels where some emotions are trapped in my physical body that's been helping. I've definitely noticed a change in my life, and it's been very beneficial. Craniosacral is very good for people with Parkinson's, working with the tightness in the skull and the brain and other parts of the body where emotions are live and helping me touch some emotional baggage that I've been working on for years, that lives in my tissue. Anyway, just wanted to appreciate the work that I've been receiving, and the effects that it's having on me. And the benefits of doing series of sessions with Laure as a body worker, because you open up levels of going deeper. And his training and his knowledge of craniosacral work has been very beneficial to work with. Thank you." --Robert Carlson Molar

click here to book a session

Deva came in 9 times, twice a week over a month. A longtime bodyworker and sound healer himself, when we met he was in recovery from major surgery 6 months prior. As a testimonial, he wrote and recorded a short epic poem, titled "Home Is Where The Heart Is." Enjoy! Hearing him recite his writing is pure entertainment.

Home Is Where The Heart Is

Imagine the pirate of the Caribbean
Or as we say, the pirate of Amritapuri.
Many of you who know the pirates of the Caribbean, ask
Where is Jack?

The self?
Is he the self?
Oh yes, he’s the fool
He’s the leader
He's the one eyed bandit
Yet with visions of good intentions, beyond that of sight
Giving to the poor,
Stealing from the rich,
A true hero
Amma says a zero is many peoples hero

This is our Laure
The Laure returns from the sea,
The seeing man of Southern India,
A state of peace and love
Kerala and the lands of god's waterways
Cleansing and healing all who adventure to the Divine Holy Mother.

Laure is the pirate of prescience of perseverance
And brings his skills his crew
from the Arabian Sea with a full
Boat of fresh fish for all the to masticate!

Yet this Laure is the captain of the ship,
And it’s not food for eating, it's food for the soul.

When you meet this old soul, this Laure
You will understand exactly what these words find difficult to write
For it would be impossible to take the archetype of Jack
And put it into a mastication of authentic words. An oratory. Aspects.

You must just BOOK immediately and experience
What I humbly script; trying to portray the possibility of peaceful presence.

Laure is a generational healer, a great soul,
Wisdom of many generations
Combined with youth in numerological age
Yet a body of wisdom weaving this generation of the NOW.

Laure has an aura quite remarkable
Yet subtle to most….
Only the deep souls
Can recognize another…

Yet, this session,
Sacred Touch
or Massage
Can not be labelled
For Laure's interaction with you
Is unique, authentic …

Let me try to tell you
With these tiny words to
Describe a session with a true Master

Begin with your throat, humming.
Matching synchronizing slow
Humming begins the session.
It is subtle rhythmic, even so slow.
It could be unrecognizable.

Yet the practitioner encourages patient to join along
Either silently or synchronized on the exhale breath, labeled “Exaltation!"

Intuitively he places his palm upon the body,
Begins the chanting of Ma Om, on the inhalation
Becomes the exhale
Exalting with an OM
the Om Nama Shivaya
OR the simple Om
on the exaltation

The murmuring like a flock of birds in rhyme and rhythm
Influences the hands to follow the body on the table.

Contact improv for the imagination
Yet powerful motion without motion.

Laure has a subtle powerful somatic system
To release blockages within the body
The Four Bodies, I say.
Subtle, spiritual,
Psychological, emotional,
Mental, intellectual.
And of course, the physical
Where most of us could ascertain and evaluate the success of this session.

I am in awe each time
This man places his hands on a body part that it is in need.

Personally, I have done sound healing with craniosacral for 35 years.
I have found my mirror in a 27-year-old body. Laure
Aha! Laure!
His Third eye the Agni,
Opening as an act of compassion,

Aided by a disability of looking and focusing with only one eye
The body may be disabled, and this is where the true gift, the true boon, occurs
For the body adapts
A single eye opens
Laure's third eye is where the magic occurs
They say a blind man develops a third sense

This healer opened his third eye
As he has experienced hardships throughout.
He understands and transfers,
His wisdom of life to the table of the patient.

Laure applies his techniques, with intuitive healing.
An old man from china shows up
Pressure points activate meridians
Blockages release simultaneously

You might think:
How do I book this man?!
Well, sound is an ancient technique to move mountains.
And you can do it over the phone!
You can do it personally!
Or you could do it by just tuning in, right at this moment.
(click here to book a session)

His sound with absolute concentration
Combined with touch moves the body’s blockages.
They say object of concentration, of sound
Heals the body.

Book this man for nine sessions!
Sing, like the freedom of the birds flying
Murmuring into the horizon
Free, peaceful, flowing,

The subtle call
Of humming like an innocent 4 or 5 year old
Free of worries
Body moving like water
The fire of release
The transcendence to space
Peacefully opening the heart
To all of conscious ness

Merging with your true self
Nature and its elements
Merged, into oneness
All one
Not alone
All ONE!

Sukino bhavantu
Shanti shanti shanthi
OM— Deva, from the white sands of Amritapuri. Another archetype. Another experience. I hope your journey was worthy. OM NAMAH SHIVAYA.

click here to book a session

It's hard to put into words how it feels to hear such kindness and gratitude in response to my hands-on work. It is an honour, that's the only sentiment that fits. I hope to do this work all my life.

Meanwhile, landing back in Montreal has been both beautiful and challenging. I'll come back around with an update about my goings-on here, and some reflections on how I'm integrating my time in India.

In Montreal I'm back to training, back to practice, enjoying the summer heat and time with loved ones. I wish you much the same.



click here to book a session