Nurturing Life Qigong: Discover the Art of Balanced Energy with Wang Ji Wu's Longevity Exercises

Movement is healing! Unlock the full potential of your body, mind, and breath with Wang Ji Wu’s qigong exercise set. While it may seem familiar to those well-versed in internal martial arts, this system stands out for its profound completeness and simplicity.

Nurturing Life Qigong: Discover the Art of Balanced Energy with Wang Ji Wu's Longevity Exercises

Movement is healing! Unlock the full potential of your body, mind, and breath with Wang Ji Wu’s qigong exercise set. While it may seem familiar to those well-versed in internal martial arts, this system stands out for its profound completeness and simplicity.

Why Dr. Wang Ji Wu's Longevity Exercises?

  • Holistic Design: This set is meticulously crafted to integrate and harmonize your body, mind, and breath. Each exercise is a step towards energetic balance, physical vitality, and mental calmness.

  • Gentle Energy Flow: Move beyond forceful intentions with exercises designed to naturally coax the flow of Qi (energy) through the body. Wang Ji Wu's method focuses on calming the mind and letting energy flow effortlessly to the Dan Tian (energy center), achieving a balanced, harmonious state.

  • Comprehensive Development: Dr. Wang Ji Wu's system not only strengthens and energizes but also ensures proper visceral motion. Through gentle movement, you’ll massage your internal organs, enhance fluid circulation, and maintain a supple range of motion.

  • Functional Strength: Experience the benefits of coordinated, whole-body strength. Our exercises improve flexibility and build functional strength essential for internal martial arts and overall health.

Join Our Classes

Experience the transformative power of Wang Ji Wu's Qigong in our upcoming classes. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, these sessions will deepen your practice and enrich your well-being.

Class Details:

  • Monday: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
    Location: White Wall Studio, 4532 Av. Laval
  • Tuesday: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    Location: L’Espace Saturne, 266 rue Saint-Viateur Ouest
    Classes run until November 12
    Drop-In Fee: $10 - $20 (Pay What You Can)

About The Longevity Exercises

(from the book Xing Yi Nei Gong by Dan Miller and Tim Cartmell)

At first glance this exercise set may appear to be very similar to any other qi gong or nei gong set of exercises one may have encountered while studying the internal martial arts. However, Wang Ji Wu' genius in putting this particular set of exercises together is in the set's completeness as an internal development system. This set of exercises was not put together haphazardly. There is a completeness and wholeness in its design and at the same time this set of exercises is simple, practical, easy to learn, and easy to execute.

Any internal development exercise set should consist of exercises which serve to integrate the body, mind, and breath while strengthening the body energetically, viscerally, and physically in a natural and balanced manner. Energetically, the set should contain exercises which are designed to calm the mind and body and sink the qi to dan tian. In addition, the movements should distribute that energy in a full and balanced fashion throughout the body through gentle coaxing. The movement of energy should not he forced through the use of strong intention or muscular tension. The mind is calm and the physical movement gently urges the movement of the Qi.

As Wang Lian Vi states in his introduction to exercise number four, "Wang Ji Wu felt that the beginner should not try and force the qi to flow through strong intention. His advice was to practice the exercises with a relaxed mind and tile intention focused on the dan tian. After the qi has gathered in the dan tian, it will find its own way in the "Small Heavenly Cycle" through the gentle coaxing of the physical movements." The energy movement exercises in WangJi Wu's set are designed to move energy to all distal points of the body in a natural, balanced, and safe manner. Another important component in any complete internal development system is visceral manipulation, or simply stated, motion designed to move each of the visceral organs to a small degree so that the organs arc gently massaged and thus there is less chance for fluid stagnation. In the last chapter Wang Lian Vi stated "life is movement".

Everyone knows that if any part of the body remains stationery for an extended period of time, it becomes stiff. If muscles, tendons, and ligaments are not moved through their full range of motion on a regular basis the individual will start to loose that full range of natural, unrestricted motion. A well designed set of exercises will he devised so that all of the body's joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments are moved through their full range of motion during the exercise set. Wang's set does this, but additionally some of this set's exercises work to gently move and manipulate the internal organs so that the organs function properly and all of the systems of the body which pump fluids are stimulated. When bodily fluids such as lymph, bile, blood, etc. are allowed to stagnate anywhere in the body, problems will arise. In order to prevent stagnation, the body needs to bend, move, and stretch so that no small "pools" of fluids are allowed to collect and become stagnant. Wang Ji Wu's set of exercises is expertly designed to work all of the viscera so that the organ energy is stimulated and the bodily flUids are encouraged to move freely.

In terms of physical development, this set of exercises not only gently stretches the muscles, joints, ligaments, and tendons to keep them operating optimally through their full range of motion, it also helps to build the type of whole body, coordinated strength which is functional in the internal martial arts.

Wang Ji Wu: Who?

Wang Ji Wu (1891-1991), also known as Wang Zhong Gao, was a native of Dong Shan Village, Yu Ci County, Shanxi Province. He was born in 1891. His grandfather was a renowned Chinese doctor known for his incorruptibility, and Wang Ji Wu's father was equally respected for his charitable work and dedication to the community.

In his youth, Wang Ji Wu attended the village school and was an exceptionally gifted student. He had a natural passion for martial arts and learned from the martial artists in his village. During the day, he was a student, and at night, he worked as a watchman for a gourd patch, which provided him ample time to practice martial arts.

Throughout his life, Wang Ji Wu became a master of various martial arts, including Qigong, and Chinese Medicine, including osteopathy. His profound understanding of both fields led to a high level of attainment in each. He lived a stable life, valuing justice over material gains, and took great pleasure in helping others. His dedication earned him much respect and admiration from friends and family.


Laure Marin de la Vallée is a student of Chinese medical and martial arts. Their primary passion is yangsheng (養生), the art of nourishing life. After overcoming 20 years of debilitating chronic auto-immunity through dedicated practice and lifestyle changes, Laure is committed to helping others achieve radiant health. Learn more about how Laure might help you over at

Register Today!

Spaces are limited. Secure your spot and begin your journey towards holistic health and internal harmony. Get in touch with Laure: to reserve your spot, or just drop-in!


Qigong Pour la longévité : Découvrez l'Art de l'Énergie Équilibrée avec les Exercices de Longévité de Wang Ji Wu

Le mouvement est guérisseur! Déverrouillez le plein potentiel de votre corps, esprit et souffle avec le système de Qigong de Wang Ji Wu. Bien qu'il puisse sembler familier à ceux qui maîtrisent les arts martiaux internes, ce système se distingue par sa complétude et sa simplicité profondes.

Pourquoi choisir les Exercices de Longévité de Dr. Wang Ji Wu ?

  • Conception Holistique : Ce système est méticuleusement conçu pour intégrer et harmoniser votre corps, esprit et souffle. Chaque exercice est un pas vers l'équilibre énergétique, la vitalité physique et la tranquillité mentale.

  • Flux Énergétique Doux : Passez au-delà des intentions forcées avec des exercices conçus pour guider naturellement le Qi (énergie) à travers le corps. La méthode de Wang Ji Wu se concentre sur l'apaisement de l'esprit et laisse l'énergie circuler sans effort vers le Dan Tian (centre énergétique), atteignant ainsi un état équilibré et harmonieux.

  • Développement Complet : Le système de Dr. Wang Ji Wu renforce et énergise, tout en assurant une bonne mobilité viscérale. Grâce à des mouvements doux, vous masserez vos organes internes, améliorerez la circulation des fluides et maintiendrez une amplitude de mouvement souple.

  • Force Fonctionnelle : Découvrez les bienfaits d'une force corporelle coordonnée. Nos exercices améliorent la flexibilité et développent une force fonctionnelle essentielle pour les arts martiaux internes et la santé globale.

Rejoignez Nos Cours

Découvrez la puissance transformative du Qigong de Wang Ji Wu dans nos cours à venir. Que vous soyez débutant ou praticien expérimenté, ces sessions approfondiront votre pratique et enrichiront votre bien-être.

Détails des Cours :

  • Lundi : 17h00 - 18h00
    Lieu : White Wall Studio, 4532 Av. Laval

  • Mardi : 12h00 - 13h00
    Lieu : L’Espace Saturne, 266 rue Saint-Viateur Ouest

Les cours se déroulent jusqu'au 12 novembre 2024

Tarif Drop-In : 10 - 20 $ (Prix selon vos moyens)

Instructrice :

Laure Marin de la Vallée est un.e élève des médecines et arts martiaux chinois. Sa passion principale est le yangsheng (養生), l’art de nourrir la vie. Après avoir surmonté 20 ans de maladie auto-immune chronique grâce à une pratique assidue et des changements de mode de vie, Laure s'engage à aider les autres à atteindre une santé rayonnante. Découvrez comment Laure peut vous aider sur

Inscrivez-vous dès aujourd'hui !

Les places sont limitées. Réservez votre place et commencez votre voyage vers la santé holistique et l’harmonie intérieure.

Wang Ji Wu : Qui est-ce ?

Wang Ji Wu (1891-1991), également connu sous le nom de Wang Zhong Gao, était originaire du village de Dong Shan, dans le comté de Yu Ci, province du Shanxi. Né en 1891, son grand-père était un médecin chinois renommé, connu pour son incorruptibilité, et le père de Wang Ji Wu était également respecté pour son travail charitable et son engagement envers la communauté.

Dans sa jeunesse, Wang Ji Wu fréquentait l'école du village et était un élève exceptionnellement doué. Il avait une passion naturelle pour les arts martiaux et apprenait auprès des artistes martiaux de son village. Pendant la journée, il était étudiant, et la nuit, il travaillait comme gardien d'une parcelle de courges, ce qui lui laissait suffisamment de temps pour pratiquer les arts martiaux.

Tout au long de sa vie, Wang Ji Wu est devenu maître de divers arts martiaux, dont le Qigong, ainsi que de la Médecine Chinoise, y compris l'ostéopathie. Sa compréhension profonde des deux domaines lui a permis d'atteindre un niveau élevé dans chacun. Il a mené une vie stable, valorisant la justice plus que les gains matériels, et prenait grand plaisir à aider les autres. Son dévouement lui a valu le respect et l'admiration de ses amis et de sa famille.